In 2014 Booz Allen Hamilton adopted a new digital strategy for expressing its brand. This new "brand journalism" approach features a series of full-length stories that increase brand awareness and inspire word-of-mouth engagement.

Each story defines a human point of view and uses words and multimedia images to draw readers in—and make them feel part of the story. Readers experience the power of, and the passion behind, the firm's most important ideas and see the impact on clients, people, and the world at large. Inventio developed the initial prototype stories based on a well-defined template. We interviewed subject matter experts, defined the point of view and narrative, identified multimedia images, and helped the team meet an aggressive deadline for relaunching the site.

"Instantly, Klemm springs into action. Working with a MLB replay technician, they quickly gather the available camera angles and send the best ones to the large replay monitor where the assigned umpire waits. Klemm calls for "visit angle one," then "home angle two." Other umpires gather around, and after 90 seconds Klemm asks the umpire where he stands with the call. It's close, and he wants to look at the mid-first angle one more time. It shows that Marte pulls up his chest just as he crosses home plate and avoids the tag. The call is overturned, and the Pirates win the game."